Friday, February 27, 2015

I'm addicted, you say...

Sometimes people judge others without realizing they are guilty of the same behaviors. Addicted people don't see their own addictions and are quick to condemn others all the while being completely hypocritical.

Let's all stop and analyze our own behaviors before we call out others...better yet, let's let live and let live and not call out others.

Glass houses, people.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Internet Dependence

Oh I'm sure I can live without the internet.

I can quit at any time. more check of my Twitter/Facebook/Google+/Ello/LinkedIn/Reddit/Feedly feed streams before I go to sleep and I'm good...

On second thought...

Friday, February 13, 2015

Smartphone App To Track...Smartphone Addiction!

To paraphrase from Dream Theater's This Dying Soul:

“Hello blog, so glad to see you my friend. It's been a while.“

Came across an article this morning on a neat little app that will most definitely help any of you who feel you suffer from mobile internet addiction.

Instant for Android (Google Play) aims to be your one stop app to gauge your smartphone addiction and even set limits on it. There have been other apps that supposedly gauge your smartphone addiction by tallying the number of times a user unlocks their phone; this app goes further than that. It allows the user to see how many times and for how long they used a specific app or apps on their phone, (say, for example, Facebook.) It also allows user to set limits on smartphone usage, as well as some fitness tracking functionalities (like walking/traveling) and even interfaces with Google Wear peripherals.

The app is free to install but it does require a subscription for the more advanced app tracking features. When I return from vacation I'll install the app and report back on it. 

If the app is all it's hyped up to be, I know this will be a great tool to track-and if need be, curb-my mobile internet addiction. As smartphone addiction is becoming more widely recognized as a growing trend, apps like Instant will become indispensable in raising awareness if this troublesome a phenomenon.

If any of you have this app or something similar to it let me know in the comments below.

You can read the full article here:

Android Central: Instant for Android lets you track your smartphone addiction levels