Monday, December 31, 2012

Mobile Data Surging Worldwide

The following article details the latest mobile data usage and the surges that are being experienced today as the New Year is making its rounds around the world.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mobile Internet Addiction: A Personal Account Pt. 3

Addicted to the gadget

Once my cellular plan includes sms, (or text messaging,) I was hooked to my mobile device! I found myself communicating more and more via text than by actual phone calls. My first cell plan had 1500 minutes talk time and only about 500 sms and mms combined. After about 6 months I realized that was going to be inadequate, so I switched my plan to a 500 minute plan with unlimited messaging. Mind you, this was back in the day of a la carte mobile plans, long before data plans as we know them. Once the plans were in place I never exceeded my monthly call this day I never go over 100 minutes a month. But text messaging? Once I got the unlimited plan I was hitting upwards of about 3000 texts a month! And it wasn't slowing down at all!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012

How to Add 10 More Years of Life...On Mobile Devices!

This TED talk by Jane McGonigal details how anyone can add time to their life by doing simple exercises on a very simple mobile application.

The application, called SuperBetter, is currently for the iPhone only, but I personally hope it comes to Android!
Check out her talk, read up on the research and the math behind her conclusions, and decide for yourself if you want more time added to your life.
I know I do.

This is one app I can totally get behind on and spend copious amounts of time add copious amounts of time to my life!

Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life | Video on

Friday, November 30, 2012

Cell Phone Hoarding

Not only are people becoming addicted to mobile internet, but as the mobile technology improves, people are holding on to their old mobile gadgets.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Infographic: Are You Addicted to Your Mobile Phone?

Found an awesome infographic that clearly details just how addicted we are to our mobile phones.  The infographic doesn't have a date/time it was posted to the 'net, but Google+ user Gabriel Vasille posted this infographic nearly a year ago to the the information is relevant now as it was then.

I dare say the percentages across the board have increased significantly since!

As for each scenario depicted on the infographic, I can honestly tell you I'm in each one of them.  It's the precise reason why this blog exists in the first place!!!

Infographic: Are You Addicted to Your Mobile Phone? by Cash Generator

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mobile Internet Addiction: A Personal Account Pt. 2

The Quickening

Once I became addicted to the Internet it progressed so quickly I didn't have a chance to realize just how hooked on it I was.  

Digital Crack On The Go!

Ms. Alessandra Sagredo over at Here Women Talk unearths some very disturbing statistics on mobile internet addiction via a study recently performed.

It Starts Early

Came across a post in my G+ stream that I thought I'd share here. What caught my eye at first was not the informative article, (as it was written in Italian,) but rather the picture that accompanied the post. Honestly, last night's Thanksgiving dinner resembled a little bit of this image. Not quite as bad, but still...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

If you're participating in any Black Friday shopping, please be safe, put away your mobile device, pay attention, and don't trample anyone, (or be trampled.)

(Originally posted on 11/22/12)

Add "Mobile" To The Title...


Oh The Irony!!!

Here I am, starting up a blog about mobile Internet addiction, and the moment I try to view the blog on my mobile device I get this gem of a message:

Mobile Internet Addiction: A Personal Account, Pt. 1

What is this?

It sounds like an internet meme, mobile Internet addiction. I expected these words to be bolded up on a picture similar to Overly Attached Girlfriend, and Y U NO. Yet, a quick Google search did not return quite as many articles on this topic as I expected. I found a gazillion articles on internet addiction, and yet, the similarities between these two phenomena end at the word "addiction." Maybe I'm uncovering a new phenomenon...perhaps many of you will read that last statement and tell me this has been going on for quite some time and it's nothing new. Perhaps. Yet, I don't find many people talking about this, let alone mental health professionals.

It's real. It's pervasive. It could be very dangerous.

I should know. I'm living it.

Welcome to Mobile Internet Anonymous!

This blog is dedicated to those individuals who just cannot leave home without their latest Internet-connected smart phone/tablet/netbook/laptop; to those that have to have the latest and greatest bit of information delivered to them whenever/wherever they may be. While those afflicted by this condition may not think too much of their obsession, it can become quite unhealthy for them as well as those around them.