Came across a video in my nightly YouTube crawl that is very topical to this blog. If you are not already subscribed to SourceFed or SourceFedNERD, (or any of the Phillip DeFranco channels, especially The Phillip DeFranco Show,) I recommend you do so immediately! Highly entertaining material, I tell you what!
But I digress.
This video, aptly named "7 Signs You're Addicted To The Intenet", details how internet addiction is a growing threat. What I love about the video is how the hosts play off of each other and very eloquently demonstrated just how mobile internet addiction is really what they're talking about.
During the video Lee Newton (raaaawr!) asked these questions:
- Do you stay up late at night using the internet? Yes
- Do you get grumpy, anxious or upset when you can't log on or something goes wrong with the internet? Yes
- Do you need to use the internet to feel satisfied in your life? Yes
Those answers were MY answers, (even though Elliot Morgan answered those questions similarly.)
A statistic mentioned in the video that I take some exception to is that 38% of the population addicted to the internet. Naaaaaah. I believe this number is way too conservative. More like 1 in 2 (50%) at least!
As for the 7 symptoms of internet addiction...I can only tell you that, in some varying degree, I have them all...except needing new games to achieve a desired mood...because oddly enough I'm not a big gamer. (Shameful, I know.) Sure, I like to play the occasional Fruit Ninja or Angry Birds, but the last time I downloaded a game to my phone was about 3 months ago! I'm more of an information junkie. Most of my waking day is spent on Google+/Facebook/Twitter/reading RSS feeds (via Feedly)/Wikipedia/etc. It's only after I've done all the news trawling I could do in a day that I start playing games on my phone.
Lee Newton (raaaaaawr!) goes on to say there are people that are focusing on ways to address internet addiction. I say good for them! Those people with internet addiction do need to do something else with their lives.
So what say you...are you addicted to the internet? Sound off in the comments below!
I can tell you I don't have an addiction. Nope. No siree-bob! I have my web surfing well under control. I can quit anytime I want to!
(Wait, isn't denial a sign of addiction???)
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