Friday, March 6, 2015

National Day of Unplugging

Starting at sundown today (3/6/2015) through tomorrow at sundown is National Day of Unplugging.

This is a real thing...and it's a good thing!

Our "always on" lifestyles make it so difficult to unplug, if even for 24 hours. Our lives have become so dependent on the internet in general, and on our mobile devices in particular, that disconnecting for even 24 hours is a challenge.

Well, to that I say...

I am most certain many of you have forgotten what is was like to hand-write a letter, or pick up a phone and dial someone to talk or invite to a night out on the town, (cell phones do not count!) I can honestly tell you I almost forgot what it was like to take to pen and paper and write an honest-to-goodness letter. Thankfully, being in a long-distance relationship has allowed me to become re-acquainted with such a tradition. (See profile pic...that's me with my sweetie!)

I recall as a teenager I had several pen-pals and we exchanged letters on a weekly basis. We actually had to think about what we wanted to discuss, write it on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope, seal it, put a stamp on it, (and lick it to make it stick-none of this self-sticking stamps nonsense!,) put it in your mailbox and wait for the mailman to take your letter to its destination...and hope the mailman dropped off a letter for you to open, take out its contents, and read it.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Sigh. Those were the days!!!

I will try to become "unplugged" this weekend. No texting. No Facebook. No Google+. No Twitter. No GMail. No Yahoo! Mail, No LinkedIn. No FB Messenger. No Hangouts. No WhatsApp. No Google Now. No Feedly. No Pandora. No YouTube. No Blogger...

No Blogger???

What the hell am I gonna do with myself???

Perhaps I will go over to the local Blockbuster Video and rent the latest movie on VHS...oh wait, that doesn't exist anymore.

Perhaps I shall go to the local malt shop and put a dime on that newfangled music playing machine called the jukebox and listen to that "Rock and/or Roll" thing that kids these days are making such a big fuzz about...oh wait, I don't have a time machine to take me back to the 50's. More like the 80's for me.

The article below has some tips on what you can do during National Day of Unplugging. Go on, give it a shot and unplug...even if it's for a few hours.

It's National Day of Unplugging Yet You're Still Reading This from

PS, if you got to this blog from my Facebook/Google+/Twitter, I swear I'm unplugging right...NOW!

Right now!!!!

Oh, wait, I just got a notification on my Facebook...

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