Monday, May 13, 2013

A Little Off Topic Post...

I want to take a little time to bring awareness to a great fundraiser that is currently being held by +Bearman Cartoons .  (Yeah, the very same Bearman that "mugged" me a couple of weeks ago, a prize mugging that is currently on display as my current avatar on all Google properties.  Woohoo!!!)

(C) Bearman Cartoons (
Through the end of May, he is offering ways in which we can literally empty his pockets for some of his local charities.  It's quite simple, actually; visit Bearman's blog entry about his fundraiser by visiting this link and edumacating yourself on just how you can help by making Bearman pay up:

(Already got him for $5.00 by placing his banner on my blog header up above!)

Yeah, I know, this blog entry has nothing to do with Mobile Internet Addiction, other than it's being written up on a laptop while siphoning WiFi from my local Mickey D's.  I shall now explain the reason behind my madness.

I like to lead and teach my children by example.  Any opportunity I can take to give back to the community I will do it.  For example, a day after the Boston Marathon bombings I headed to the local blood bank and donated blood in the name of the Boston Marathon bombing victims.  This small gesture made a big impact in my daughters' mind, so much so that they couldn't stop talking about it to their teachers and friends at school the next day.  They were truly impressed by this.  I didn't think much of it, but they saw it as some sort of courageous act.  (Must have been the big needle going into my arm.  LOL)  I did explain to them that the small discomfort I may have felt was nothing to the pain some people have recently experienced and, even though my donation would not directly benefit the bombing victims, I know it will benefit someone locally.
Big ol' needle in my arm sucking my life force! 'Tis but a flesh wound!
On a more personal note, as some of you may be aware, I'm currently unemployed and have been so for the last 7 months.  I've been dependent on the generosity and charity of family, friends, and strangers alike.  While I'm going through this terrible ordeal, it is nothing compared to what others may be going through.  In comparison, some would say I'm blessed for having received what I have now.  And I don't deny it.  I am far better off than others, but that doesn't mean I will take my good fortune for granted.  Even now I will find ways to help others.  If not financially then with my time, talents, blood...

...or other people's money, as is the case with  Bearman's fundraiser!

So, what say y'all...wanna help me help Bearman empty his pockets???  Visit this link ( and let Bearman know I sent you.

Yeah, I'm talking to the three of you that read this blog!!!

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