Monday, January 14, 2013

Cell Phone Addiction-A View from The Other Side

Came across this article from a couple of close buds on G+, +Dirk Reul and +Scott Cramer.

The Addiction - The Huffington Post

This HuffPost article details cellphone addiction from the viewpoint of someone not addicted to a cellphone. The author, as an outside observer to this phenomenon, describes in detail just how disconnected people can become from physical reality and, as never been affected by it, how better off he is for it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Never Lose Your Keys...Or Cyber Stalking Made Easy?

Interesting little gadget...the Gizmodo article (below) details a new nano technology (well, maybe not nano...micro, perhaps?) that allows people to track objects via Bluetooth signals on their smartphones. (Currently Android and iOS only.)  These transmitters can be attached to anything, from car keys to wallets to expensive jackets/coats/etc. In short, anything you want to keep a track of short-range. Im'a gonna need about a dozen of these little gizmos for everything I don't want to be losing...including my mind!

This has a lot of potential for good...and for bad!