Sunday, June 23, 2013

YouTube Video Addressing Internet Addiction Symptoms

Came across a video in my nightly YouTube crawl that is very topical to this blog.  If you are not already subscribed to SourceFed or SourceFedNERD, (or any of the Phillip DeFranco channels, especially The Phillip DeFranco Show,) I recommend you do so immediately!  Highly entertaining material, I tell you what!

But I digress.

Friday, June 21, 2013

I fear the future is already here. It's not pretty.

Apologies for being away from my blog.  Been concentrating on the employment front, which has yet to resolve itself positively...and going through a mild depression is definitely not making things easier.  And yet, I thankfully had the forethought to save some very topical webcomics to share with y'all for just such an occasion.

I fear the future is already here.  It's not pretty.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

True Love...Mobile Internet Style

At night no one comforts me like you do.  Dare I say...this is love...true love...sigh.

This is me on way too many nights that I care to recall.  Yeah, I know.  I'll be Forever alone.